Friday, October 1, 2010

September snow, where art thou?

Happy October!

"I'm so excoited!!!" said the Cat in the Hat.

I have a new blogging friend so I thought I'd post a note to welcome her into the blogging world even though I do not blog regularly. Tunngasutsiarit ᑐᙵᓱᑦᓯᐊᕆᑦ!

In a totally unrelated topic, Canada's Members of Parliament have voted in favour to keep the long gun registry only by a slim margin.

The entire issue reminds me of the time I was obtaining my firearms license (since I know that I'd be subject to registering any new firearms that I acquire or purchase). The process to obtain my firearms license gave me much resentment since I tried getting the fee for the license waived using a specific passage in the NLCA:

"Part 5.6.27 - Licensing

Subject to the terms of this Article, an Inuk with proper identification may harvest up to his or her adjusted basic needs level without any form of license or permit and without imposition of any form of tax or fee;"

A letter was sent to me with my application saying that I still have to pay or prove that harvesting is my only means of obtaining food or something to that effect.

So I take it that this is why NTI is fighting the registry with an interim injunction issued by the Nunavut Court of Justice - so that Inuit hunters do not have to register their firearms and/or pay the fee associated to getting a firearms license.

I wonder at what stage it is with the courts (?).

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