Thursday, October 2, 2008

Voting in the Nunavut Elections

So I moved back to Nunavut after 5 and half years 'down south' and was looking forward to take part our 'democracy' this fall as the territorial elections started out soon after the federal writ was issued.

Unfortunately for me, my anticipation to participate in voting (in the territorial elections) was shot down like a duck near outside Cape Dorset in July. Apparently, I must be a resident of Nunavut for at least one year.

It doesn't end there. After pondering it some more, and checking out the Nunavut Elections Act, it appears that I may have a case since I moved to Ottawa for education and employment reasons. So, I could argue that I am only 'temporarily absent' from 'my place of home or dwelling' under the section "Determining Residence." Would you buy that? or do I need so seek a laywer? I do still fully intend to return to my place of home or one point or another.

Update: apparently, the employment part (of the NEA) is referreing to short-term work (ie. taking on a term position to cover someone's maternity leave who is on a leave of absence). Oh well, I suppose (or hope) I won't have this same trouble 4 years down the road. Happy (non)voting everyone!

Also unrelated but related: the current mayor of Kinngiat has put his hat into the race - now I DEFINATELY hope someone else runs for South Baffin.

Up-update: it seems that I ain't the only one with this problem. It will be interesting to see what happens out of this.

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